There was once a shanty town, JungNeung-Gol, located near my university in Seoul. One day, a friend and I visited the town to capture some images of the small, old village. Given its stark contrast to the average urban area, we encountered numerous abandoned supplies, junk, and derelict homes. This town was slated for development in the near future, and the village would soon be replaced by high-rise buildings and residential houses. Typically, objects with historical significance find a place in museums or are photographed for record-keeping. Few will likely remember this small, impoverished town in Seoul, let alone the discarded items and abandoned gadgets it housed. In an attempt to grant lasting significance to the discarded objects that once belonged to the town's residents, forming an integral part of their lives, I have created creatures that emerge from the junk. My hope is that these beings will carry the memories of the people who once inhabited this place, preserving the essence of the little town.